Other stuff I did

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Android vs Apple


First lets start
with android. With android phones you have many many choices for phones and the possibilities seem endless. It also has the google play store so you can get way more games and applications then an iphone can. Androids are also 10x thicker then an apple phone (causing it not to break the second you drop it) 

example: My friend has dropped his Samsung an unbelievable amount of times and it still works perfectly fine.

Android also has headphone jacks so you can listen to your music and media in private.
     Now I am going to list some of the reasons why apple is good to. With apple phones you can play games with the person you are texting They also keep all of your stuff private. It is also super light and easy to carry 

Which device do you think wins put your answer in the comments.

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